Knox County
Republican Party
Our Purpose
The purposes of the Party include, but are not limited to, electing Republican candidates to office on the national, state and local levels; recruiting Republican candidates to run for office; assisting the national Republican Party, the Republican National Committee and other Republican organizations on the national level in carrying out their purposes; raising funds for election campaigns and other Republican purposes; recruiting membership in the Republican Party; increasing public awareness of the Republican position on public issues; and fostering good citizenship in general.
Your vote matters!
Your vote CAN make a difference. Learn how just one vote can influence the future of your city, county, state or country.
Find Your District
Get to know and work with Republicans in your district!
Every month, each District meets to get involved with the KCRP’s work. This is a great place to meet fellow Republicans in your area, learn more about what we’re doing, or get involved in making change.
Upcoming Knox County Election Events
Election information
The KCRP is committed to educating, empowering, and encouraging voters to participate in impacting the future of YOUR city, county, state or country.
Local Clubs
Concord Farragut Republican Club
Karns Republican Club
Volunteer Women Republican Club
West Knox Republican Club
Halls Republican Club
Powell Republican Club
Volunteer Republican Women
Center City Conservatives Republican Club
Three Rivers Republican Club
Community Involvement
Buddy Speaking to Students
Buddy Speaking to Students
Becky Massey at the Corryton Parade
Becky Massey at the Halls Parade
Becky Massey at the Halls Parade
Becky Massey at the Halls Parade
Floats in the Corryton Parade
Halls Parade
Monica Irvine in a Parade
Phil Ballard at the Corryton Parade
Steve Triplett at the Halls Parade
Glenn Jacobs with the UT Republicans
More Information
Click the link below to visit the Knox County Election Commission Website.