Knox County
Republican Party
Upcoming Elections
Federal Legislative Candidates

U. S. Senator Marsha Blackburn
357 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3344

U. S. Representative Tim Burchett
Tennessee, District 2
1122 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-543-5357
Knox County Legislative Candidates

Senator Becky Massey
District 6

Representative Jason Zachary
District 14

Justin Hirst
State House of Representatives, District 15

Representative Michele Carringer
District 16

Representative Elaine Davis
District 18

Representative Dave Wright
District 19

Representative Justin Lafferty
District 89

Jackie Raley
– Property Assessor –

Jackie Raley is a lifelong resident of Knox County, has nine years’ experience in the Assessor’s office and has served as Chief Deputy Assessor since 2016. Jackie has been awarded twice (2019 and 2022) by the Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers as “Chief Deputy Assessor of the Year” in the State of Tennessee which encompasses all 95 counties.
Jackie has earned the Certified Public Administrator Designation from the University of Tennessee Public Service Institute, as well as certificates in appraisal and assessment from bot the State Comptroller’s Office and the International Association of Assessing Officers. She also has a Tennessee Real Estate License that is currently in retirement because she plans on being a full-time Assessor. Jackie’s continuing education for both her designation and license is current.
Jackie is not a politician and is the most experienced candidate who believes in providing taxpayer with a fair and accurate assessment of their property value. She will be at work everyday and willing and available to meet with the taxpayer with or without an appointment to discuss their concerns. Jackie will go the extra mile to serve the taxpayer and operate the office with professionalism, transparency and an open-door policy.

Terry Hill
– County Commissioner –
District 6

Terry Hill is serving her first term on the Knox County Commission having been elected in the August 2020 election. Prior to this Terry served as past Chairperson and Board member on the Knox County Board of Education from 2014-2020.
Terry earned her Masters degree in social work from the University of Tennessee. She retired after 30 years as a clinical social worker and Lead Consultant with Knox County Schools. She has contracted as an expert witness with the United States Department of Justice Medicare/Medicaid fraud division, medical and home health, employee assistance programs and private practice. She has taught as an adjunct instructor at UT Knoxville, Tennessee Wesleyan College and was a graduate field supervisor for the UT College of Social Work.
She served as past Chairperson and Board member of the Tennessee Health Related Board of Social Work Licensure, a Governors appointment. Some of her more recent service includes active participation in the FBI Citizens Academy, Honor Air Escort, Karns Community Club, Karns Republican Club and Grace Baptist Church.
Terry has two daughters, Cindy Buttry and Jackie Cody and three grandchildren that keep her running between schools and ballgames. Her husband Steve retired from St Mary’ Medical Center as their government and community affairs liaison and remains active in community endeavors.

Judge Hector Sanchez
– Judge, Division II Criminal Court-

Judge Hector I. Sanchez serves as the Division II Criminal Court Judge for the 6th Judicial District covering Knox County. Judge Sanchez was appointed to the bench by Governor Bill Lee in September of 2022. Before being appointed, Judge Sanchez served as an Assistant District Attorney in Knox County for eight years where he focused on prosecuting violent crimes against persons and homicides. Judge Sanchez is a proud Marine Corps Veteran with a deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Phil Ballard
– Property Assessor –

A lifelong resident of the Carter community, Phil Ballard is a candidate for Knox County Property Assessor. Having previously served as Property Assessor, he is the most knowledgeable, experienced and qualified candidate for this position. During his term of office, Ballard achieved the designations of Tennessee Master Assessor, Assessment Administration Specialist, and Registered Agent under the Comptroller of the State of Tennessee.
Phil has a Tennessee Real Estate License and was voted East Tennessee Assessor of the Year by fellow property assessors. As Property Assessor, he implemented significant improvements in technology and staff training, greatly increasing the professionalism of the Property Assessor’s office and making large strides in improving information accessibility and customer service. He promises to continue his legacy of fair and equitable property assessments in Knox County.

Tommy Lakins
– School Board, District 8 –

As a resident of Northeast Knox County for the past thirty years, Tommy Lakins is running for Knox County School Board-8th district. Lakins top priorities for his campaign focuses on safety, technology, accountability and accessibility. He believes that it is imperative to continually strive to ensure a secure learning environment that is offered for both students and teachers with cutting-edge technology. Lakins also wants to be available to the people of the 8th district by hosting “Talk with Tommy” quarterly talks throughout the district and leading with an open-door policy.

Travis Wright
– School Board, District 8 –

I am a Candidate for Knox County School Board – District 8. As a parent of an 8th grade student in our school system, I understand the importance of a strong leadership presence on the Board from each District. I believe our School Board should be accountable to both parents and taxpayers, and I recognize the need to ensure that our students are equipped for success with practical career opportunities after graduation. When elected, I will work collaboratively with the Board to ensure all students are prepared to be contributing community members. I feel strongly that teachers are the single most influential factor of in-school success and, therefore, must be provided a competitive salary and a supportive school culture. I also believe parents are their children’s first and best “teachers” and should be critically involved in their children’s education.
I pledge to be an accessible, present, and consistent voice for parents in our District; an advocate for the hardworking teachers of our District; an advocate for increasing the career and technical education opportunities for our students; and I will partner with the Knox County Schools Security Division and the Knox County Sheriff’s Office to ensure every child
is safe at school.

D. J. Corcoran
– County Commission, District 8 –

PUBLIC SAFETY: I support law enforcement! I feel it’s important to retain veteran officers while simultaneously attracting new officers to protect our neighborhoods.
GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT: We need to be proactive by providing safe roads capable of handling the influx of new residents and businesses.
HEALTH & WELFARE: I pledge to work with organizations to find solutions to reduce the number of drug overdoses, mental illness, and homelessness on our streets.
I promise to work hard and be available to the citizens of Knox county. I humbly ask for your vote.

Garrett Holt
– County Commission, District 4 –

Garrett Holt is running to serve as the next County Commissioner for District 4. Garrett was born and raised in Knoxville and grew up in the Rocky Hill community. Professionally, his background is in accounting, healthcare sales, and real estate, and he currently works as a commercial real estate broker for Oliver Smith Realty and Development Company. His main priority as a County Commissioner is to take a proactive, sensible approach to governance that ensures Knoxville retains its historic charm while also evolving to meet the modern demands the community faces.

David Buuck
– Law Director –

Hello. I am David Buuck your elected Law Director. I was blessed to be elected by Knox County voters in 2020 by an overwhelming majority, winning all 93 voting precincts, against a politically experienced opponent. I am running for re-election in the March 2024 Republican primary. I have 12 years of experience in the Knox County Law Director’s Office managing a highly qualified and experienced staff of attorneys protecting your interests as taxpayers. I desire to continue to serve you and defend Knox County for four more years and humbly ask for your vote.

Daniel Herrera
– Law Director –

Daniel Herrera is an experienced attorney with over 500 appearances in courts all across East Tennessee. Daniel is the sole owner of his law firm that employes both staff attorneys and legal assistants. Daniel
is very concerned about illegal immigration and wants to protect and enhance Knox County’s current enforcement program. In 2020, he used his legal skills and knowledge to be one of the first attorneys in
the nation to sue the government over unconstitutional mandates and COVID-19 responses.
To learn more about Daniel Herrera. please visit

Brian Walker
– County Commissioner, District 5 –

Brian Walker is running for County Commissioner and is excited to share his knowledge and expertise. He is a small business owner and for the past 23 years has owned an insurance agency. Before moving to Knox County, Brian and his wife Jennifer owned a Martial Arts Studio, a real estate company, a property management company and successfully flipped and built several homes. Brian has a Master’s in Business Administration and a Bachelors in Criminal Justice.
Jennifer and Brian have been married for over 20 years and they have two ‘kids’, Riley and Adilynn. Both kids are going through college and Adilynn is simultaneously signed on with the Navy; she will graduate from Virginia Tech and enter as an officer. Riley is enrolled at Southern Utah University and is the President of his Fraternity.
After a double hip replacement in 2019, Brian doesn’t continue running the marathons (9) he once enjoyed but is still able to appreciate the friendly 5k and weekly basketball. For amusement, Brian reads, plays the guitar and bass and rides his Harley Davidson motorcycle next to Jennifer, who also rides.
Brian’s previous organizational involvement includes past Basketball Coach for the Boys and Girls Club, Past President, Vice President and Treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce, Past Board member of the Family Resource Center, Past President of the Lions Club, Past President of United Farmers Agent Association (UFAA) Chapter 53, Past President of the IE Real Estate Investment Club, Past President of the Community of Retailers and Entrepreneurs (CORE), Past President of multiple BNI clubs, Past President of TEAM Referral group, Past President of multiple Toastmaster clubs and former C5 Governor, Past President of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, 5th Degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo and former Instructor

Bob Daspit
– School Board, District 3 –

And I am a Candidate for Knox County School Board 3rd District (Bearden area). I am a Proud Christian, Married (43 Years), Father, & Grandfather- 2 Daughters & 3 Grand Children. My 2 daughters went to Knox County Schools, one is a Graduate of Bearden High School & my grandson attends Bearden High School. I have lived in the Bearden Community for 38 Years & have supported our community over the many years.
I am a Veteran of the US Air Force & Retired from Private Sector. I am also a Tennessee Certified Teacher (PE/Wellness, Business Education, Marketing Education, & Special Education). I have worked in Knox County Schools as a Teacher & I understand what is needed in our schools.
I have also been a Football & Basketball Coach in High Schools, as well as the College Level. My passion is our students & their education in our Knox County Schools. We must get involved in the school system & help our students, making their quality of education a great success.
As a member of the Knox County School Board, I will fight for our schools in all the districts, especially our Bearden area schools. I plan on meeting with parents & our teachers frequently, to make sure we on the School Board are moving forward to make our Knox County Schools the best in the state of Tennessee. Our Bearden schools need our help & I will make sure the School Board, as well as our Superintendent, is working to help all our schools.
We need a change in the direction of our school board in Knox County & when I am elected to the Knox County School Board, I will fight for change. Hard Choices, Better Schools

Adam Thompson
– County Commision, District 8 –

Adam Thompson is running to be Knox County’s next 8th District Commissioner. As a 6th generation farmer from Corryton and 2004 graduate from the University of Tennessee with a B.S. in Agriculture, Adam has a profound respect and understanding of responsible land management. As a conservative, he is adamant that Knox County be a good steward with the tax payers’ money. Knox County and existing residents should not have to bare the full financial burden of the consequences and negative impacts of new land development.Adam Thompson is ready and willing to have the tough conversations to represent the 8th district of Knox County.

Brian Hall
– County Commision, District 5 –

Brad Hall is a first-time political candidate but is not new to the County Commission 5th District. He was born and raised in West Knox County, as were his parents and grandparents. He attended Farragut schools before starting his career in law enforcement.
He spent 33 years with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office, leading to becoming Captain. He is currently assigned to the West Precinct located in Turkey Creek. He has helped solve many high-profile cases throughout his career.
Brad began his lengthy career in Corrections and then steadily rose through the ranks as a Patrol/DUI Officer, Patrol/K-9 Officer, Patrol Sergeant, Detective in Property Crimes, Detective in Major Crimes, Detective in Cold Case, Supervisor in Major Crimes, Supervisor in Juvenile Crimes, Supervisor in Family Crimes, and now proudly serving at the West Precinct in the 5th district.
He is a graduate of a law enforcement academy and has training as a K-9 officer. He has participated in numerous training classes, such as the FBI Interview Seminar, Practical Homicide Seminar, and DNA Trends and Issues. These are just a few of his many training opportunities that have helped develop his leadership skills.
Brad has served on various boards, including Hope for Victims, Send Senior Citizens Love, and Knoxville Open Championship Committee, where he was honored as the 2023 Volunteer of the Year and was selected to the Community Stakeholders Committee. Its mission is to offer vision, goals, and needs related to signage and wayfinding for Farragut.
Brad and his wife Pam just recently celebrated 35 years of marriage. They have two adult children, one grandchild, and another on the way.
Running for Knox County Commission is a natural progression, given Brad’s experience and knowledge of the district. When elected, he will work with local, state, and federal leaders to address the community’s concerns, such as school overcrowding, roads and infrastructure, zoning, combining mental health services, and help for people experiencing homelessness. He will be a careful custodian of taxpayer money.
Brad can be reached at 865-252- HALL (4255) or [email protected].
Check out his webpage at, or join him on Facebook at “Brad Hall for Fifth District County Commissioner.”

Charles Frazier
– County Commision, District 1 –

- 1972 Carter High School (Graduated)
- 1972/1973 Knoxville College
- 1973/78 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- 2001/02 Johnson Bible College
- 2022 Logos College (Masters Degree)
Work Experience:
- 1972/73 WBIR TV Camera Operator
- 1973/98 WSJK TV On-Air Personality/Producer
- 1998-Present WJBE Radio Broadcast of Austin-East High School Football Games and Sales
- 2001/2020 Car Sales
- 1979/2022 Frazier’s Barbecue Owner
- 2022 Vine Middle School Teacher
Community Involvement:
- 1990-2000 Vice President Knoxville Branch NAACP *Conducted “Stop The Violence Campaigns” throughout the City of Knoxville
- Helped Implement the OCR and Knox County School Board Civil Rights Agreement.
- KOIC Board of Directors
- Knox County CAC Leadership Class Graduate
- MLK Commissioner
- Helen Ross McNabb Drop-in Center Board of Directors

Justin Hirst
– County Commision, District 1 –

Conservative Republican Justin Hirst is running for Knox County Commission 1st district. He is a father of two children, technology worker, and Knox County resident for over 40 years. Justin supports keeping law enforcement in Knox County schools, opposes any property tax rate increase, supports removing criminal vagrants from our streets, protecting our conservative values,
and will advocate for more detention and deportation of illegal immigrants. Justin will be a conservative voice for city residents who feel disenfranchised by the very liberal city government

Kara Daley
– County Commision, District 8 –

Kara Daley is a driven & passionate small business owner of The Diner at Twisters Shakes & Sundaes & is excited to be your next County Commissioner for District 8. With her experience in successfully running three businesses, she understands the challenges & opportunities of entrepreneurship. Kara is dedicated to support substantial growth, utilizing allocated funds effectively, and ensuring the security & safety of our community by supporting our local law enforcement.

Andy Fox
– County Commision, District 9 –

Conservative Republican Andy Fox began living in Knox County in 1979. He and his wife of over 30 years, Laurie, raised their three children in Knox County. Andy is an attorney who has used his legal skills to advocate for our Christian values and defend our God-given freedoms from government overreach.He is running to prioritize public safety, remove criminal vagrants from our streets, keep Knox County Republican, and stop reckless development. To learn more please visit his website at

Debbie Phillips
– County Commision, District 2 –

Republican Debbie Phillips is running for Knox County Commission 2nd district against very liberal Democratic incumbent Courtney Durrett. She is a mother of three children, grandmother to six grandkids, happily married to her husband of over 45 years, is a Realtor, and lifelong Knox County resident. A graduate of Central High School and has a Bachelor Degree in Business and Accounting from South College. The 2nd district is essentially all in the city of Knoxville. Many residents in the city feel disenfranchised by the city council that continues to raise property taxes, is failing to address crime, ignoring the illegal immigration and homeless problem, and tried to take police officers out of Knox County Schools.
Debbie supports keeping law enforcement in our schools, opposes raising taxes, supports removing criminals, will advocate for more detention of illegal immigrants, and will protect our East TN values. Debbie will be a common sense principled voice for city residents who feel disenfranchised by the very liberal city government.

Dale Skidmore
– County Commision, District 5 –

Dale Skidmore is a small business owner and lifelong resident of East Tennessee and has lived in Knox County for over three decades. A graduate of the University of Tennessee, he currently owns the Dale Skidmore Allstate Agency in Knoxville, which he started
from the ground up ten years ago. Dale has been married to his wife Holly for eighteen years and they have two children, Grey age thirteen, and Ella age ten.
Dale is a dedicated community leader, serving several terms on the Village Green Homeowners Association including two years as President, a member of the Concord Farragut Republican Club, the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce, Business Network International (BNI), and serving as a volunteer at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital.
Additionally, Dale serves in the preschool ministry at First Baptist Concord Church, where he has been a member for fifteen years. Dale is an avid University of Tennessee sports fan, enjoys studying history and politics,and golfing when he has time.
Dale is passionate about Knox Co. and is committed to serving his community as a County Commissioner for the 5th District. Dale believes in making intelligent, intentional development decisions that meet the growth demand while also keeping Knox County the wonderful place that we love. Dale understands the importance of public safety. He is committed to keeping our neighborhoods and streets safe. He believes we must support our first responders and ensure we allocate the required resources to recruit, and retain, the best personnel available to serve Knox Countians. Dale is dedicated to being a good steward of the tax payer’s hard earned money and will help make the right decisions to give the residents of Knox County the most bang for their buck. He strongly believes in living within our means and keeping taxes low.
Dale can be reached at 865-789-9801 or [email protected].

Angela Russell
– County Commision, District 5 –

Angela Russell is a Christian conservative, who has lived in Knox County’s 5th District for over 30 years, and with her husband raised their two children right here. Prior to running for office, she was actively engaged in organizing residents in Choto, Concord, and Farragut against reckless development and to seek solutions to our infrastructure problems. She was instrumental in leading the successful effort to stop the high density government subsidized housing development at Choto Landing. While others are just talking about responsible development, Angela has demonstrated proven leadership and effective results. Please learn more about her at

Barry Neal
– County Commision, District 9 –

Born in South Knoxville at Baptist Hospital and raised in Colonial Village by my parents Ras and Betty Neal. I attended Anderson Elementary and Young High before graduating in the first senior class at South Young High School in 1977.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s in education degree from the University of Tennessee and currently in my thirty-fourth year serving as a program coordinator for the University’s Department of Conferences and Event Services including having served as department director managing a staff of twenty-six with a multi-million-dollar budget.
My energetic involvement in South Knoxville civic activities for several decades beginning with Key Club in high school and Circle K while attending UT. As a professional I continued my service to the community through active membership serving as President of the Kiwanis Club of South Knoxville, as an appointed member of the 2005 James White Parkway/Chapman Highway Task Force and serving on the City of Knoxville Public Naming Committee. More recently I represented the 9th District on the 2021 Knox County Charter Review Commission.
Additionally, I have served several terms as treasurer of the South Haven Neighborhood Association and previously as representative to the South Knoxville Neighborhood and Business Coalition along with being a long-time member and past president in the 9th District Republican Club.
I wish to continue my involvement and service to the 9th District and the South Knoxville community which I love and bring my vast experience and my East Tennessee home-grown values to the Knox County Commission.
More Information
Click the link below to visit the Knox County Election Commission Website.